Welcome to Goals Groups

The HerBusiness Network welcomes you and congratulates you on making the decision to join a HerBusiness Network Goals Group – your fast track to success!

A HerBusiness Goals Group can help you reach for your goals and achieve success faster.

As business woman, most of us lead busy lives. Often we feel like we are striving for success
all on our own and the Goals Group gives you the opportunity to meet and work with other HerBusiness Network members.

Goals Group members act as peer mentors to give and gain support and encouragement in achieving your goals.

Goals Groups were first established in 1997. Based on the many achievements and successes of members who participated in groups in the past, Goals Groups have now evolved into a systemised program.

This Goals Group Getting Started Kit is provided to you as a guide.

The Getting Started Kit provides hints and tips on what has been found to work best for HerBusiness Goals Groups. It is written with the assumption that you have set goals in
the past but perhaps never in a group environment. Some fundamental goal setting principles are outlined, and the books on the recommended reading list can provide you with more insight and detail.

As you start to work with your Goals Group, keep in mind the most fundamental and proven principle of a Goals Group: The more you put into it, the more rewards you will reap!

I welcome your stories of success – so that we can continue to share results and learnings with other members.

Enjoy this journey and may your wildest wishes come true.

Here’s to doing what you love,

Suzi Dafnis

About the Author

HerBusiness (formerly Australian Businesswomen’s Network) is a membership community that provides education, training, resources, mentoring and support for women business owners.