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If you’ve ever held back from putting yourself forward for opportunities, going for that more significant contract, calling up that prospective client, investing more in your business…

… it could be that you’re experiencing a confidence crisis.

A lack of confidence makes us less likely to take further ACTION, and we get STUCK. We can get held back by “analysis paralysis” or feeling a LACK OF FOCUS, or struggling with FINDING A CLEAR DIRECTION.

In this bonus workshop, we’ll explore one of the most significant habits women in business need to develop today to keep breaking through in business.

Event Details

  • The Confidence to Take Action Workshop
  • Time: On-Demand
  • Speakers: Suzi Dafnis
  • Venue: On-Demand

About the Guest

Hi there. I’m Suzi Dafnis, CEO at HerBusiness. My BIG passion is helping women business owners to grow and scale their business, so that they can create their ideal lifestyle and make a difference in the world. Every day I am inspired by the more than 30,000 amazing women (and...