My First Year Running a Membership


My first business had a TOTALLY different business model. It was an events business. We represented different speakers and authors.

The cash flow was GREAT when we were successful in promoting a new speaker or seminar and DISMAL or NON-EXISTENT when our marketing failed, or when the time of year was just plain WRONG for running our particular types of events. The success of the business was based on so many factors that we had no control over.

That’s why THIS business, HerBusiness, is my dream business model. And it may be YOUR dream model too if you want to build (or grow) a successful stream of recurring revenue.

At this bonus livecast, you’ll meet three HerBusiness Network members who have launched memberships in the last year.

Join us to hear how:

  • Kristy-Lee Billet was finally able to scale her business, helping so many more women, without working harder with her Grant Writing Academy.
  • Cat Matson turned her side-hustle passion project into the Impactful Presenters membership, a business that allows her to do something she LOVES without financial pressure.
  • Prue Saxby took her mastery helping businesses get millions of dollars in grants into her Grant Writing Academy membership.

We’ll dig into how they got started and the highs and lows of the first year.


Event Details

  • My First Year Running a Membership
  • Speakers: Kristy-Lee Billett and Cat Matson and Prue Saxby
  • Venue: Online

About the Guest

Hi there. I’m Suzi Dafnis, CEO at HerBusiness. My BIG passion is helping women business owners to grow and scale their business, so that they can create their ideal lifestyle and make a difference in the world. Every day I am inspired by the more than 30,000 amazing women (and...