Meant for More – Turn Your Knowledge into Profits

Inside every one of us is a feeling that just won’t go away; The internal knowing that we are meant for more.

In this dynamic and educational Summit Session by Lisa Sasevich, known by many as “The Queen of Sales Conversion”, you will discover the steps to finding your unique value, make more money and have more impact.

Lisa will be sharing lessons from her new book, Meant for More – The Proven Formula to Turn Your Knowledge Into Profits

In this Summit Session:

  • Why the FIRST person you need to SELL is yourself
  • Making your offer IRRESISTIBLE
  • Why getting PAST PERFECTION is essential
  • Where to discover your Million-Dollar Value
  • Why taking INSPIRED ACTION accelerates your GROWTH
  • Why your gifts are your MOST VALUABLE OFFERINGS

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The Growth Zones featured in this Session

With so many demands on your time and with so many challenges coming up every day needing your attention, where is the best place to focus your energy? That’s where the 8 Growth Zones can really help.

This summit session relates most to the Growth Zone: Sales & Marketing, People, You, & Product. Learn more on page 30 of your workbook.

Your Summit Workbook

2020 Summit Workbook Spread
We’ve made it easy for you to take the information and inspiration from the summit and to implement it right into your business so that you can start to see fast results. Capture all the genius ideas, take notes and map out what the next steps are that you’ll put in place in your business with your Summit Workbook. Click to download your workbook


Get the Books

Meant for More

This training is available only to HerBusiness Network Members

Get access to all presentations from the 2020 Business Growth Summit for Women Entrepreneurs when you’re a member of the HerBusiness Network. Learn more about joining the most collaborative and supportive community for women business owners.

Buy the Book

Event Details

  • Meant for More – Turn Your Knowledge into Profits
  • Speakers: Suzi Dafnis and Lisa Sasevich
  • Venue: On-Demand

About the Guests

Hi there. I’m Suzi Dafnis, CEO at HerBusiness. My BIG passion is helping women business owners to grow and scale their business, so that they can create their ideal lifestyle and make a difference in the world. Every day I am inspired by the more than 30,000 amazing women (and...

After helping corporate giants like Pfizer and Hewlett-Packard generate millions in sales and small personal development companies quickly grow their annual revenue from six to seven figures, Lisa Sasevich was fired from her dream job the night before Christmas Eve. With a husband in medical school and two toddlers at...

About the Book

Meant for More

Meant for More is a How to Win Friends and Influence People for the modern age. It shows you how to stand out in an increasingly noisy world by simply offering your unique skills and talents and helping others do the same. It offers tangible skills to use in all areas of...

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