How to Start and Grow a Podcast (that Generates Leads and Sales for Your Business)

I published my first podcast episode in 2012 (I know… who even knew what they were then?!) and have since published over 350 episodes across three different podcasts — Our HerBusiness, Content Sells and Social Media for Small Business podcasts.

Podcasts are a core part of our content marketing strategy and one of the ways that we generate leads and make sales each year.

It’s also how we continue to build relationships with prospects (and to convert them to clients) and to provide ongoing support and resources for our HerBusiness community and members.

In this online workshop, I have decided to share some behind-the-scenes strategies with you.

Want to learn the mistakes I made (they’re SOOO common) and what I learned?



Why You Should Be Focused on Podcasts Right Now

Now is an excellent time to start a podcast, especially if you are a small-business owner looking to reach a brand new audience and people who might otherwise never find your website, blog posts, videos or emails because they prefer the audio format.

The momentum continues to grow and recently Apple announced the 1millionth podcast in the Podcasts app. And the good news is that you don’t need to be an established content creator or have audio or presenting experience to become a successful podcaster.

So, If right now…

You have SPECIALISED KNOWLEDGE that can make a difference to others, but you remain the BEST-KEPT SECRET in your industry…
You want a LOW-COST and PROVEN way to market your business and CONNECT with your clients
Then… maybe a podcast is right for you and YOUR business.

Podcasts capture your audience’s attention.

They are an intimate way of communicating because you enter the listener’s life right where they are – walking the dog, working out at the gym, cooking up a Sunday lunch. They help you build and maintain important network connections.

NOW is a great time to finally discover how to use podcasts to build your credibility, provide value and demonstrate your expertise and also make offers and generate leads (even if you have never presented ‘online’ and even if you are a little tech-phobic).

But, Suzi… I’ve Love to, But I Don’t Know Where to Start!

Podcasting is a powerful way to get your business message heard and to reach an international (and local) audience.

While it’s not as easy to do as, say, writing a social media post, it’s also not brain surgery!

Podcasting gives your small business the opportunity to have a captive audience on a regular basis and to engage your audience around your area of expertise.

I’ll share how to get started, get going and get a podcast working for you.

Suzi, I have no idea what to say

That’s totally cool. After releasing over 350 episodes, I’ve got some tips that will allow you to find the best ideas for themes and topics for your podcast.

And, we’ll be looking at how to position your podcast so that it adds value to your business, and so that everything you say is leading people to get to know, like and trust you more.

I’m Sharing the Mistakes I’ve Made and the Secrets I’ve Learned

Here’s what nobody tells you — It’s not enough to just run a podcast and put all your amazing knowledge into an online audio program.

Podcasts have to be DESIGNED to produce results – to create leads and sales.

In this exclusive online workshop, I’ll share practical tips like:

  • How to CHOOSE THE TOPIC of your podcast
  • Easy ways to CREATE GREAT EPISODES that listeners will love
  • Podcast FORMATS and structures that really work
  • MARKETING YOUR PODCAST – reaching your target market
  • Making SALES from your podcast
  • How to ENGAGE YOUR LISTENERS and help them take action
  • Tips for PRESENTING (when they can’t see you)
  • GROWING YOUR AUDIENCE of listeners
  • The BASIC TECHNOLOGY you need to get started

Suzi, CEO, HerBusiness

Event Details

  • How to Start and Grow a Podcast (that Generates Leads and Sales for Your Business)
  • Price: $59 (Login for Premium Member Discount)
  • Speakers: Suzi Dafnis
  • Venue: On-Demand

  • Buy Now

About the Guest

Hi there. I’m Suzi Dafnis, CEO at HerBusiness. My BIG passion is helping women business owners to grow and scale their business, so that they can create their ideal lifestyle and make a difference in the world. Every day I am inspired by the more than 30,000 amazing women (and...