Not all ads are created equal. If you’ve been on Facebook, you’ve seen some ads that have really spoken to you, and some ads that were just awful, forgettable, or boring.

In this MasterClass, Loren Bartley, the CEO of social media business strategies consulting agency Impactiv8, shares her expert advice on creating Facebook ads that attract and convert your ideal clients.

Watch this MasterClass to learn more about:

  • Why Facebook ads are such a powerful tool for your business
  • Creating audiences to run your ads to – how to do it, advice for targeting specific groups and different types of audiences, and how to engage them and more
  • Using ad sets and sweat testing
  • Making an ad strategy that will gain more leads and sales
  • Different ways to advertise on Facebook
  • Optimising your ads for conversion
  • Optimisation for mobile
  • Tips for setting your budget – what are you paying for? And is your dollar going as far as it could be?
  • Controlling your ad placement
  • Tips for making compelling, effective image and video ads
  • Making sure your offer is compelling
  • Split testing – what it is, and why it’s so useful for marketers
  • Measuring your return on investment
  • Creating an effective marketing funnel
  • Using safeguards to manage your ads on autopilot

Also, don’t forget to take advantage of Loren’s Special offer for HerBusiness Premium Member’s:

Facebook Ads Success Kit
Get started with Facebook Ads. Check out Loren Bartley’s Facebook Ad Success Kit.

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*Note: Some of the slides in this presentation show an incorrect title. Rest assured, this is the recording of the Creating Facebook Ads that Convert Masterclass.


This Masterclass is available only to Premium Members of HerBusiness. Learn more about the benefits of Premium Membership.

Event Details

  • Creating Facebook Ads that Convert
  • Speakers: Loren Bartley
  • Venue: On Demand

About the Guest

My name is Loren Bartley. I am the Founder and CEO on Impactiv8, a Digital Marketing agency that helps small businesses who are already on social media, have attempted Facebook Ads and have a sales funnel in place get a better return on investment from their social media and online...