How to Create Great Webinars (that Generate Leads and Sales for Your Business)

If right now you need and want more clients or economic events have put a halt on your usual way of generating new business…

If you have specialised knowledge that can make a difference to others…

If you are ready to try a marketing strategy that works for small businesses and large ones, for online businesses and offline businesses, for low-cost items and multi-thousand dollar services…

…then now is a good time to finally focus on how to use webinars to build your credibility, provide value and demonstrate your expertise and also make your offers. (even if you’ve tried webinars before and even if you don’t have a big audience right now)

But, Suzi… I’ve tried webinars!

Perhaps you’ve tried webinars but you didn’t get people registering.

Or, they came but didn’t stay.

Or, they just didn’t turn into sales and you feel disheartened.

Or, perhaps you haven’t had the courage to create a webinar because you haven’t known where to begin.

Here’s what nobody tells you.

It’s not enough to just run a webinar and put all your amazing knowledge into an online presentation.

Webinars need to be DESIGNED to produce results – leads and sales.

In this exclusive online training, I share practical tips like:

  • Why webinars are the ‘secret’ key to creating more leads and sales in your business
  • How to turn your expertise into compelling online training and revenue
  • 5 types of webinars that produce results (so that you can choose the one that suits your business best)
  • What to say and how to say it so that people stay engaged
  • How to get people to show up in the first place
  • When to use audience questions and interaction
  • The behind-the-scenes strategies that create ‘raving fans’ and lead to 6 and 7-figure webinars
  • Tips for presenting to an invisible audience ;-)
  • And a whole lot more

PLUS, we have two BONUSES for you.

BONUS “Webinars that Sell” Audio Training

Webinars are a great way to educate and to share information about your products and services and they are ALSO a great way to SELL.

However, we see a lot of people hosting webinars where they give a lot of great information but they don’t know how to transition to making an offer… or when they do, they haven’t put enough of the foundation pieces in place to make that offer convert.

In this audio training, my co-host Michelle Falzon and I share the webinar structure that they’ve used to make hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales from webinars. This is the very same structure you can adapt for use in YOUR business.

BONUS “Winning Webinars Structure Template”

This template summarises the process for you into an easy to use template.

What to do first :

  • position you
  • position your audience
  • how to transition to the offer
  • what to do about Questions

When you use this structure, you can make offers on your webinar without ever feeling salesy.

Get your BONUSES here.


What Attendees Said

Such great examples and an inspiring webinar. Thank you, Suzi!Sarah Ashburner

All great advice. Thanks, Suzi. I’ll have to get cracking and plan, implement and deliver my webinar. – Prue Saxby

Thank you, Suzi. Brilliant webinar. I am starting with a 5-day challenge, and this info has been invaluable. – Maggie Schulz

This is a great webinar. So insightful. Thank you very much, Suzi. – Grace Hakim

Thank you so much, Suzi. This has been wonderful and very timely. – Margaret MacDonald

Thank you so much. So many ideas. Mind racing. – Vicki O’Connor

So much gold in here Suzi. Thank you so much. – Tracey McLachlan

Thanks so much, Suzi. Great info. It was a pleasure listening to you. – Helen Ebdon

Thanks, Suzi for the valuable and applicable information. – Carole McElligott

I’m really enjoying the case studies and love the idea of associating with big brands. I can listen to you talk all day :)Maria Kotsiaris

My brain is on fire with this story. – Belinda Weaver

Suzi and her team – leaders in online training and still awesome!Susan Fielding

Event Details

  • How to Create Great Webinars (that Generate Leads and Sales for Your Business)
  • Price: $59.00 (Login for Premium Member Discount)
  • Speakers: Suzi Dafnis
  • Venue: On-Demand

  • Buy Now

About the Guest

Hi there. I’m Suzi Dafnis, CEO at HerBusiness. My BIG passion is helping women business owners to grow and scale their business, so that they can create their ideal lifestyle and make a difference in the world. Every day I am inspired by the more than 30,000 amazing women (and...