Shift your business intent to earning the right to growth by improving customers’ lives and transform your business. Chief Customer Officer 2.0 provides a proven framework in launching and advancing the customer experience transformation in businesses around the world. Author Jeanne Bliss, worldwide authority on customer experience and preeminent thought leader on the role of the Customer Leadership Experience, offers her five-competency model she uses to coach Chief Customer Officers:

  1. Manage and Honour Customers as Assets
  2. Align Around Experience
  3. Build a Customer Listening Path
  4. Proactive Experience Reliability and Innovation
  5. One Company Accountability, Leadership & Decision Making

Chief Customer Officer 2.0 will spur action in your business quickly with a united leadership team, help you improve customers’ lives, and give you the framework to build your customer-driven growth engine.

Watch this webinar to discover:

  • How to transform and grow your business in order to improve customers’ lives
  • How to unite your leadership team
  • Why you should manage your customers as assets
  • How to build a customer listening path
  • The importance of proactive reliability

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Comments from the audience:

Reflection on planning from the customer’s perspective not mine” “Tangible tips on better understanding the customer experience”

“Client-scentric thinking and how important that is to a successful business. Take the time to LISTEN to your client

Mapping and testing the customer experience path through the process”

“That it was both inspiring and practical – useful tips for immediate implementation”

Understanding the customer experience

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Event Details

  • Chief Customer Officer 2.0
  • Price: $59 (Login for Premium Member Discount)
  • Speakers: Jeanne Bliss
  • Venue: On-Demand

  • Buy Now

About the Guest

Jeanne Bliss pioneered the Chief Customer Officer position, holding the role for over twenty years reporting to the Chief Executive Officer at Lands’ End, Allstate, Coldwell Banker, Mazda and Microsoft Corporations, where she moved the customer to the strategic agenda, redirecting priorities to create transformational changes to each brands’ customer...

About the Book

Chief Customer Officer 2.0

Chief Customer Officer 2.0 will give you a proven framework that has launched and advanced the customer experience transformation in businesses in every vertical around the world. And it will take years off your learning curve. Written by Jeanne Bliss, worldwide authority on customer experience, and preeminent thought leader...

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