If you’re an entrepreneur who needs funds but who does not have the benefit of a robust Rolodex of angel investors, venture capitalists, or even a plethora of wealthy friends you can call, then it could be smart to consider crowdfunding your next project.

Crowdfunding is where individuals appeal for contributions from the public using an online platform. It’s become a powerful way to fund new projects and ventures. But it takes some skill to win the hearts and wallets of potential backers.

Watch this one-hour webinar to discover:

  • How to prepare for a successful crowdfunding campaign
  • Types of crowdfunding
  • The art of the ask – your launch and engagement strategy
  • Keeping you backers happy
  • Why having a good idea is not enough
  • Tips for campaign time frames and use of video

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Comments from the audience:

Client-scentric thinking and how important that is to a successful business. Take the time to LISTEN to your client.”

“Information on re-engaging with lapsed customers

“Mapping and testing the customer experience through the process”

“That it was both inspiring and practical – useful tips for immediate implementation

“Reflection on planning from the customer’s perspective not mine”

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Event Details

  • Cash from the Crowd
  • Price: $59 (Login for Premium Member Discount)
  • Speakers: Sally Outlaw
  • Venue: On-Demand

  • Buy Now

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About the Book

Cash from the Crowd

CROWDFUNDING–raising capital in small increments from a large number of people– will inject over $5 billion into the economy this year and is becoming a powerful way to fund new ideas and generate buzz for new products and ventures. Although crowdfunding has the potential to be an amazing boost...

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