If you’re operating your business without a budget, you may not be aware if you’re really moving forward. Money in the bank is not necessarily the sign of a healthy business. And while the idea of budgets may bring a blank stare of boredom to some business owners, knowing what your bottom line results are and how to recognise key indicators in your business are paramount to your long-term success. This webinar looks at the basics of budgeting in business, what to account for and how to forecast and review your financial situation.

Those who view this webinar will gain an understanding of:

  • The three W’s of budgeting – what to budget for, when to do it and why
  • How much to set your budget for – conservative is key
  • Getting started – how to create a simple budget in Excel and MYOB
  • Unleashing the power of a good budget and minimising cost inefficiencies
  • Compare budget vs. actual figures and manage financial performance
  • You will also receive a free small business budget template.

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Event Details

  • Business Budgeting Made Easy
  • Price: $59 (Login for Premium Member Discount)
  • Venue: On-Demand

  • Buy Now

About the Guest

HerBusiness (formerly Australian Businesswomen’s Network) is a membership community that provides education, training, resources, mentoring and support for women business owners.