If you want to go in one direction, the best route may involve going in another. This is the concept of ‘obliquity’: paradoxical as it sounds, many goals are more likely to be achieved when pursued indirectly. Whether overcoming geographical obstacles, winning decisive battles or meeting sales targets, history shows that oblique approaches are the most successful, especially in difficult terrain.

During his BOOKED for Lunch presentation, John Kay tells us:

  • Why shifting your focus to the bottom line could be the worst decision for your business.
  • How a focus on the value you add and the pursuit of excellence, could lead you to more success than you imagine.
  • When it’s time to ‘rip up the rulebook’ and transcend traditional business practice.
  • The role of failure in success.
  • Why letting go of success may be the best action to take if you truly want to succeed.

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Event Details

  • Obliquity with John Kay
  • Price: $59 (Login for Premium Member Discount)
  • Speakers: John Kay
  • Venue: On-Demand

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About the Guest

John Kay is one of Britain’s leading economists. He is a distinguished academic, a successful businessman, an adviser to companies and governments around the world, and an acclaimed columnist. His work has been mostly concerned with the application of economics to the analysis of changes in industrial structure and the...

About the Book

Obliquity: Why Our Goals Are Best Achieved Indirectly

Obliquity is the principle that complex goals are best achieved indirectly. This book explains why the happiest people aren’t necessarily those who focus on happiness, and how the most successful cities aren’t planned (look at Paris versus Brasilia). And if a company announces shareholder return as its number one...

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