Siobhan Jones

The Unlocked Creative
- Creative Integrator
Coaching & Mentoring
My Connection Statement
I help successful women to find their creative outlet and make time for it! I’m here to help you unlock your creative gifts for soul restoration and life transformation, through virtual mentoring and courses.
About Me - My Biography
I help successful women to find their creative outlet and make time for it!
My Expertise
I’m a Creative Integrator with expertise in leadership, mentoring, productivity and communication. My superpower is asking the right questions, breaking down problems and connecting people to their creative giftings that help them to flourish. I have a BA in Communication, my major was writing.
Before starting The Unlocked Creative, I worked in the federal government in communications and media and executive leadership roles for 11 years. I had two internships with ABC Radio National which have inspired me to become the host of my podcast, The Unlocked Creative.
My Passions
I believe creativity is life connection. If you’re feeling disconnected from your innate creativity because life got in the way, I understand how isolating it can feel. If you want to start creating again, I’ve done it and I’m here to help you with the steps that work for you. After a decade of not writing creatively, willpower wasn’t enough. I’m passionate about mentoring women to uncover and unlock their creative, for soul restoration and life transformation!
My Interests
I enjoy writing children’s picture book stories, podcasting and long distance running. And coffee and reading – preferably at the same time.
How I Can Help Other Members
I would love to be a guest speaker in your online community, on your podcast or write a guest blog post for you. My approach to creative mentoring is unique. Instead of setting outcome goals, first I focus on how women relate to their own creativity. From there, we identify the next steps to uncover their creative outlet. Next, we work together on all the tools and strategies to integrate their newly found creative outlet into their busy life. Some women want to go that step further – going all in! That might mean making their creative outlet a business, or they just want to improve and flourish in the craft.
My podcast helps to show women that creativity is innate, and possible, and necessary, to live a full, large life.
I would love to work with providers of manuscript and editing services, creative programs and courses (art, writing, acting, speaking, videography, pottery, the list goes on!) to offer an affiliate arrangement women who wish to integrate creativity into their lives.
If you’re a literary agent, publisher, author or creative boss who would like to be a guest on my podcast, please contact me and I’ll reply promptly.
Why I Became a HerBusiness Member
To learn from and support other strong, inspirational women to rise.
My Member to Member Offer(s)
I’m pleased to offer 1:1 mentoring to help you uncover your creative outlet, explore, integrate your creative practice into your life and get clear on how to amplify your creative giftings. Try a single session for AUD$90 (normal price for three sessions is US$265).
Email hello@theunlockedcreative.com with the code ‘HERBUS’ to sign up!