About Me - My Biography

Shona Mackin is the Chief Engagement Officer for Socialface.

Socialface puts the business in social media, helping businesses and personalities hone their skills to ensure they are getting maximum results from their social media efforts.

As the title suggests, Shona runs the Socialface engagement team and brings a wealth of real-world experience to the art of managing social media in business. She will be the first to admit that every client is different and that their secret lies with engaging their clients so they can then help them engage more effectively with their customers and/or fans.

Shona is an entrepreneur who has extensive experience running Facebook business pages for her own previous businesses and as a consultant since 2007, before many Australians had personal Facebook pages. Over that time, she has worked out what works and how to get the best results online.

Shona is a talker, can have her arm twisted if there is fun to be had and holds an awesome bachelor of dance as a degree.

Shona is also the co-host of the Eagles Startups radio show on Eagle Waves Radio each Thursday at 5pm.

My Expertise

Helping People, Social Media Management, Event Management, Call Centre Management…. I get stuff done. I tend to think differently so am able to solve problems in a variety of fields to drive the outcome required.

My Passions

Social Media,People, Travelling, Great Food, Adventures, My friends, family and loved ones :)

My Interests

Social Media, Personal Development, Business, Reading, Education, Having a great time

How I Can Help Other Members

Social Media Management 10 years of business experience managing teams, big and small businesses Positive outlook and tips on how to keep on getting up

Why I Became a HerBusiness Member

My interest is in helping people – it always has been. I joined ABN to become a part of a business network to continue to expand my personal knowledge and grow my business. Given time is such a challenge for so many small businesses owners, I know we can help by working with their business to ensure social media goals are met, distractions are removed and the awesome women involved have more time and brain space to focus on what will get them the best results in their business.