Rhonda Muller
Elevate Your Business
- Founder
Coaching & Mentoring
My Connection Statement
I work with Female Founders 50+ in the Coaching and Consulting Industry, who want to take on more clients, but feel they are restrained by the number of hours in the day. I show them how to look at their business from a futuristic perspective and strategically plan to build on their business wealth.
The tools I use to do that with, are my Business Booster Masterclasses, selectively tailored to your business needs, simply choose the components you want added to your tailor made 1:1 program, from there we meet weekly to implement them.
About Me - My Biography
“You have everything you need to succeed right there inside of you.”
Rhonda Muller here Business & Sales Strategist, from Elevate Your Business helping passionate female founders grow a profitable, lifestyle-friendly business doing what they love.
A top selling author of the book “Selling Me” as well as having an extensive leadership & sales career spanning over 25 years in the banking industry. I have coached thousands of people to achieve their personal and business goals.
A certified NLP practitioner, I am able to help my clients develop their entrepreneurial thinking and influence skills, so they communicate powerfully and effectively.
My mantra “ You have everything you need to succeed right there inside of you” and I have made it my mission to bring that out of you, so that you shine your light. It lights me up to see my clients achieve their business and personal goals.
My personal goal is to inspire 10,000 women to take the leap of faith, grow their dream business, so they live their life on passion and purpose doing what they love, creating and contributing from a place of abundance and freedom.
I have made it my business, to grow your business!
My Expertise
Sales & Business Strategy
My Passions
Motivating others to achieve their goals, their success is my success
My Interests
I love to read, (a bit of a geek) business books, in my spare time you will find me reading a good business book, I also love to read stories of women that have been able to accomplish their goals and dreams and defied the odds.
I do have a creative flair, I love all things interior design and patchwork quilting is a hobby of mine
How I Can Help Other Members
I am here to help any member with anything, I love helping others, it lights me up. So if you need anything, even to ask me a question about selling. (Most of us dread the thought of having to sell) You will love my motto “Selling is Helping” It took me a while to learn this and I can shortcut your approach to selling that makes you feel authentic and genuine.
Why I Became a HerBusiness Member
I became a member of the Her Business Network, because I miss the interaction of being surrounded by high achievers. I spend a good deal of my time, in my home office. I want to surround myself with likeminded women all on the same mission.