About Me - My Biography

As a corporate refugee and a reformed banker now moonlighting in the tertiary education sector I comfortably walk the line between big business speak and small business lay terms with ease. Regularly sought out for working groups, event organising and volunteer roles I'm know as the 'can-do' person who rallies people from differing backgrounds toward a common goal, without casualties.A low threshold for bullshit and wasting time also means that I seek out fair and efficient solutions that suit who you are and what you do.Small Business Best Friend | Photographer | Badass| Social media mentor | blogger | #IQS crusader

My Passions

No matter how I dress it up, connecting people, solving problems and putting ideas into action are my greatest loves.

My Interests

My dogs! Knitting (hells yeah!), watching movies, yoga, fine red wine, bad 80’s music and Radio National.

How I Can Help Other Members

I do my very best work around creativity and entrepreneurship, facing forward, thinking big while being ruthlessly pragmatic. I’m not great at (or too interested in) untangling a-l-l the things that happened yesterday. But I can help you see the way ahead in your livelihood and lifestyle out of the confused rut you’re in. Today. I’m a beacon for those who want more out of life. A multidimensional creative force for the overwhelmed. And a human highlighter for your bold ideas. Come at me.