Lisa Jayne
I am Lisa Jayne
- Emotions Educator, Speaker, Author
Health & Wellbeing
My Connection Statement
I teach 5 simple keys that create a new culture of relationship, so mums can feel closer than ever to their 8-16 year old daughters and they are both empowered to live their highest, most authentic truth. I facilitate a 5 week Building Brave program, both online and live, run masterclasses and presentations and work with Mums in personal consultation.
About Me - My Biography
My life is my message – Gandhi
I aspire to live what I know to be true – that when I am true to my authentic self, I become love in action and can positively influence everyone around me. I’ve learnt it’s my unaddressed emotion that has me filtering my true responses and acting from obligation, not making the choices that I feel are true for me.
I want more for my daughters than this so I have developed 5 simple keys that create a new culture of relationship. As a Mum of 4, a teacher and a practitioner, working with people’s emotions for almost 15 years, Ive watched how changing the dynamic of relationship we step into, unconsciously and often by default, Mums can feel closer than ever to their 8-16 year old daughters and they can both be empwoered to live their highest , most authentic truth.
My unique formula is emotion education and it works to shift the baseline from which you launch your next thought, word or action. When you’re naturally in a state of courage and certainty, the things you do become deliberate and very effective, so you get better outcomes – ie. the ones you really want! It’s much more satisfying than remaining in a repetitive cycle where feelings of powerlessness, hurt and unimportance recur again and again.
My 5 week, Building Brave programs are designed to have mums, shifting fast – I teach everything Mums need to know in the first few weeks and spend the rest of the time demonstrating and practicing the implementation of what you know. My one on one and group mentoring packages, are tailored to your individual situation so you create optimal outcomes quickly, while also learning specific techniques, phrases and words you can use so both you AND your daughter, can experience the ease of no more disempowering dynamics of relationship. My hope is when Mums know how to do this, the culture surrounding their daughters will mean, we raise young women who won’t settle for relationships that are less than what they deserve in order to be loved or feel secure. That’s what I want for my daughters!
Using the keys, Mums become the guide who unlocks their daughter’s individual potential and bravery. These Mums are given the opportunity to model true self empowerment for their daughter. For daughters, their Mum becomes the emotionally safe harbour and wise mentor she’s been looking for.
As a writer and speaker, I’m dedicated to raising the awareness of emotional attunement through the 5 keys and the outcomes it has for naturally and easily building resilience, increasing confidence and maintaining personal empowerment.
I have a Bachelor of Economics and a Bachelor of Education, spending 15 years as a teacher of both primary school and high school age students and 10 years focused on Emotion Education. I have trained in transpersonal counselling, emotional release for children and adults, journey work, numerous meditation practices, gestalt therapy and constellation work. I’ve raised twin boys with learning difficulties and two daughters which provided me with real life experience for emotionally navigating the challenges of puberty in these unprecedented times.
I’m determined to increase awareness of the need for Emotional Education to prevent long term mental, emotional health issues and the incidence of abusive relationships. By building brave teenagers, we create courageous and inspirational adults, who have the capacity to break less conscious, intergenerational relationship patterns so they can make powerful, self-honouring choices for themselves and others.
But really it’s all about living the life you’re in, naturally, with ease and having fun!
My Expertise
- Bachelor of Education, training in a huge variety of modalities such as Breath work, Gestalt, family constellation, Journey work, Art therapy, etc.
- 15 years as an Emotions Practitioner, working with a huge variety of clients emotionally: women, teens, children and men.
- Delivering workshops and masterclasses
- Keynote presentations on emotion education
- Author of “Building Brave” – the 5 keys for a new culture of relationship between mothers and daughters, for deep connection and a life of courage and purpose.
- Delivering emotion education in schools to children aged 8-10.
- Parented 4 children, 2 daughters now aged 24 and 14.
My Passions
I am passionate about educating individuals on how they can use their emotions to return to their most joyful and best self. I’m driven by my vision to bring emotion education into schools in order to bridge the gap between emotion and culture.
I love writing, often waking up at 3 in the morning and writing for hours, regardless of how I feel the next day and feel at home speaking to large audiences.
I enjoy hanging out with my daughters – playing tennis, walking or swimming (my sons live too far away!); am an advocate of kundalini yoga – which I practice most days and enjoy spending time in meditation and contemplation.
My Interests
Exercising, meditating, writing, kundalini yoga, drawing, playing the piano, going to theatre, riding motorbikes, people, love, kindness and self-authority.
How I Can Help Other Members
As a mother: Imagine being the ‘guide’ instrumental in raising a courageous, self assured and totally authentic woman?
In a brave new culture of relationship between mothers and daughters, there’s a naturally harmonious flow that has you feeling closer and more connected every step of the way. It takes all the stress and efforting out of parenting. Using the 5 Building Brave keys, the foundations your relationship rests upon are transformed, so your daughter is given everything she needs to express her fullest potential both now and in the future and you get to feel rewarded and fulfilled, instead of frustrated and resentful. Warning: side effects are this work also shifts you into an emotionally empowered state. Look out world, what a duo!!!
As a woman: How would you feel being in an emerging process instead of a repetitive cycle of living? Imagine finding you no longer act from ‘powerlessness’, hurt or uncertainty, because now you have a way to step back into feeling your most empowered state, BEFORE you act. Changing the baseline from which you launch your next move changes everything and is much more likely to create the effective and long lasting solution you really want.
I offer 1 on 1 consultations, small group mentoring sessions and deliver 5 week Building Brave programs, both on and offline.
My book, “Building Brave”, The 5 keys to a new culture of relationship between Mums and Daughters, for deep connection and a life of courage and purpose” will be available Oct 15, 2021
Why I Became a HerBusiness Member
For the last decade Ive been working with all sorts of people – no targeted audience and mostly by word of mouth. I could see that the work I was doing had such an impact on women and thought, imagine if this was taught to girls as they approach and live through their teenage years. Wow – they would be equipped to sail their own ship, deliberately choose healthy relationships and speak their truth, which sometimes takes years for grown women to be able to do. So I found my niche and shifted my focus to mothers and daughters as I want to make a real and lasting difference in the way girls grow into women.
Her business is supporting me to rebrand myself, while connecting with and feeling the support of other like minded women. Its also been so instrumental in my planning and strategy moving forward and for that I’m so grateful!
My Member to Member Offer(s)
A free video download of 3 simple strategies Mothers can use to feel more empowered in their relationship with their daughter, straight away.
This can be accessed at
Her business network members are also eligible for a 20% discount on one on one mentoring, a saving of $56 (normal price for these 90 minute sessions is $280).