Katie Wyatt
About Me - My Biography
I am a podcaster, speaker, writer, coach and trainer.
I’m building an empire and helping others to build their too. Whatever empire looks like for you.
I have grown my authority, influence and online presence rapidly using the podcasting platform. I launched my first successful podcast – Empire by Design (previously The Wellness Entrepreneur) – in 2014. I now have two podcasts (she co-hosts #LadyBoss Chats with collaborator Elle Roberts) and help entrepreneurs to conceptualise, create, launch and grow podcasts that grow their authority, audience and business.
I am the founder of the course PodWell for entrepreneurs to learn to grow their profile and influence with a podcast, and Podcast Empire a membership community for podcasters focused on growing their audience, converting more clients and creating community.
i facilitate two free Facebook communities – Empire Builders and Podcaster Posse
7 Day Podcasting Challenge podwellcourse.com/7DPC