Juliet Jordan
The Voice Business
- Chief Voice Coach and Broadcasting Guru
About Me - My Biography
Juliet Jordan is the Chief Voice Coach and Broadcasting Guru at The Voice Business.
She has long been regarded as Australia’s No. 1 Voice Coach,and has been the go-to person for training the speaking skills of an amazing range of people. CEO’s of most of Australia’s top companies, footballers, politicians, publishers, celebrities, socialites, management, marketing and sales executives, trainers, teenagers, actors, models, newsreaders, telephone operators, professional speakers, bankers, TED presenters and even international espionage agents… in the powerful and professional use of their speaking voice.
She’s a TV star, voiceover guru and accent expert who is constantly heard on radio, Foxtel and cartoons. With degrees in psychology, theatre and TV directing, business administration and Masters in NLP, she’s an ideal choice for those of you who want to learn to be confident speakers.