Jennifer Gale

Pink Hat Digital
- Director
Information Technology
My Connection Statement
I work with business owners who are ready to take the next step. You’re looking to grow your business and harness the power of digital marketing to reach new customers. You’re smart and savvy, but this technology is stressful for you. I’m here to create an action plan that delivers real results.
About Me - My Biography
Current Owner and founder of Pink Hat Digital a technology company working with small to medium business owners to take the overwhelm out of IT and software systems. When you know what to do and you just can’t quite take that next step to figure out how it works, or you realise you don’t have the time, energy or patience to make your technology do what you want. Well, that is what I love to do. Make the complex simple and move your business forward.
I have a Masters of Science and a background in Cardiology and Intensive Care where there was lots of technology and things that go beep. I spent the majority of my career working as an executive and chief executive in public health services within Australia but there comes a time when there are just one too many dramas and you think to yourself what on earth am I doing here which is how I found myself starting my first business Fit N Fifty Plus.
Whilst establishing that business I discovered that I loved technology and so I learned and grew from there. I still have Fit’n Fifty Plus and currently still host the Fit N Fifty Plus Podcast Show where I interview experts and inspirational women about being a healthy and well woman over 50.
My passion though is where art, technology and psychology meet. In other words how to make technology work to meet you and your customer’s needs.
To do that I have completed an enormous amount of learning including the Recipe for SEO Success with Kate Toon, training with Lisa Sasevitch, Amy Porterfield Jeff Walker, Stu McLaren and of course the Her Business training, which I am known to do many times over, to name but a few.
I am the author of Fit Fab and Fifty +, Your Guide to Living Actively for the Rest of Your life, I’m also an accomplished International Speaker on a range of topics.
My Expertise
Software and technology integration
Development and implementation of digital assets eg: E-Books, Promos, Nurture sequences, Online Courses, Podcasting
Automation processes, Mailchimp expert, also Convert Kit, Thrive Cart, & Kajabi
Web design and development in WordPress & Kajabi
Google My Business, Google analytics set up
Keyword research, SEO analysis and website reviews from SEO and UX
Social Media, Facebook advertising, Facebook and Instagram advertising using Mailchimp
Facilitation, currently teaching applied Clinical Governance at HEAL
Writing, particularly content creation
Executive and transition coaching for middle managers in Public Health
My Passions
Helping women start to tap into a fit and healthy lifestyle
Helping women reach and achieve their potential
Watching a business grow and achieve new and better connections with their customers.
My Interests
Technology and gadgets
SEO and social media
Everything health and fitness especially triathlons and running
Good healthy food
Social media
How I Can Help Other Members
Work through their technology issues and get things working so you can service your customers better and in a more automated and timely way
Understanding analytics and social media
Understanding the interrelationship between your business and the digital world
I’m also good at getting things done and holding my clients accountable for our outcomes.
Why I Became a HerBusiness Member
To meet and talk with other business women so I could learn from them and share my journey.
For the amazing educational opportunities that are available through Her Business.
My Member to Member Offer(s)
20% discount on my Speedy Website Review currently $300
Available to speak free of charge at any events.
Also happy to interview anyone for my Podcast who feels they could offer either some inspiration or information to women over 50 about health and wellness and taking care of all the different parts of your body.