Francinne O'Rourke

Francinne O'Rourke
- Mindset & Personal Mastery Coach
Coaching & Mentoring
My Connection Statement
I work with female solopreneurs and goal-getters to declutter their mind and their world to go from frazzled to focused and achieving their goals through delivering my signature 12 week coaching & online training program, workshops, online training and one-to-one coaching.
About Me - My Biography
As a Mindset & Personal Mastery Coach Francinne uses her passion for living a purposeful life to assist solopreneurs and goal-getters declutter their mind and their world to go from frazzled to focused and achieving their goals.
Francinne is driven by the core belief that it is by stepping up and designing a life that works for you and becoming the best version of YOU that you can have a fulfilling life without sacrificing your soul for society’s definition of success. She uses her knowledge, experience and education in the areas of EDISC profiling, Mbit, NLP, Matrix & Timeline Therapies, Hypnosis and business to help her clients smash through their roadblocks to success and grow in self- awareness, acceptance and ultimately personal mastery.
Using her own challenges and successes as an Entrepreneur and corporate bunny, Francinne introduces strategies and structure to client’s ‘content’ to build a thriving, well-rounded and rewarding life. Clients move from being externally focused, self-reliant and ultimately rejecting self to self-acceptance, and being supportive of self and growing through connection with self and others.
Francinne’s background is in training, business and personal coaching, marketing communications, and high profile event management. She has owned and run two businesses in Australia, two businesses in Malta, worked in special projects for Curtin University of Technology organising prestigious events, was Marketing Manager for Centacare Employment and Training facilitating their rebranding, Marketing Communications Manager for Hyatt Regency Perth and WA Manager for Camp Quality.
Passions include innovation, entrepreneurialism, leadership, travel, renovations and diving. Indulging these has seen her work in Australia, London, Malta, Thailand and Mexico; training, consulting and coaching individuals and businesses.
Francinne is passionate about developing solopreneurs to reach their potential and bring their business ideas to life.
Francinne’s driving mantras are: ‘Take massive imperfect action’ and ‘Progress not perfection’
My Expertise
I am a born educator – I take complex concepts and simplify them for fast, easy and effective implementation.
In this time of ‘busy’ with so many opportunities, choices and expectations to have, be, and do it all; I use my coaching knowledge, experience and education in the areas of EDISC profiling, Mbit, NLP, Matrix Therapies and Hypnosis combined with my own challenges and successes as an Entrepreneur and corporate bunny, to introduces strategies and structure to client’s ‘content’ to declutter their world and build a thriving, well-rounded and rewarding life whilst achieving their goals.
My clients move from being frazzled and externally focused; self-reliant and ultimately rejecting self to self-acceptance, backing themselves, having strong goals aligned with their values and growing through connection with self and others.
My Passions
My passions are numerous…
I am passionate about other people’s businesses and dreams and I light up when I am able to to utilise my coaching, marketing and business talents and expertise to assist them to tear down the self-erected barriers to success and move ever closer to their (aligned) goals with clarity, purpose and lots of fun along the way!
Traveling… Love, love, love – enjoy moving somewhere and really immersing myself in the culture, language and lifestyle.
Diving… is my ultimate happy space where my soul is at peace and I am just part of
Renovating Houses – I try to do one per year – so much fun!
My Son – he is 3 and is sooo much fun – he keeps me present ever reminding me that it’s all small stuff…so don’t sweat it and to remain childlike with wonder (but not childish :0) )
My Interests
Personal development, reading, salsa dancing, designing and creating…anything!
How I Can Help Other Members
“The hardest battle you will ever have to face is between who you are now and who you want to be.” Anon
Mindset is EVERYTHING!
We all know that travelling the solopreneur and entrepreneur route is challenging, exhilarating and exhausting, bringing to light our greatest strengths and worst fears. My role is to help you declutter your mind and remove your roadblocks to success and then leverage your time, talents, energy and motivation to ignite clarity and achieve (whilst having a bit of fun along the way)!
That’s my business…
…Personally, I LOVE learning and sharing what I have learnt – I am constantly watching, reading, listening, and learning in all areas of digital marketing and online business operations and personal development- so hopefully a useful sounding board for where you are at with tools, tips and tricks along the way.
Why I Became a HerBusiness Member
I watched 10 minutes of one of the Summit videos and I just knew that there was solid information, learning and a community on offer that would be practical, structured, resourceful and supportive (not just hype). So I am quite excited to have found you – and this is not just surface excitement it is a deep knowing in my gut that I have done the right thing by myself in signing up.
So thank you!
My Member to Member Offer(s)
Pending :0)