Ann Mawhinney

Maloola Natural Skincare
- Director//CEO
My Connection Statement
I bring relief to people with dry, irritated and sensitive skin , and help them feel more confident, through my natural skincare regime, Maloola Natural Skincare, which calms, soothes, and nurtures their skin and helps it feel loved. I consult via Zoom, email or website discussion.
About Me - My Biography
Hi, I am Ann, Director /CEO Maloola Natural Skincare (MNS) – a boutique skincare range made from pure, natural, and organic ingredients that calm, soothes and nurtures dry, irritated, compromised, and sensitive skin. The range was created out of both passion and need , a passion to help people find an affordable and truly natural solution to their skin problems, and my own lifelong struggle, and need, to find a solution for my very sensitive skin.
I created (formulate, manufacture and distribute) the range myself, starting from a knowledge base of higher degrees in health and science then adding further study into cosmetic science and natural cosmetic formulation – the range and website were launched mid-2019 and its an honour and a pleasure to help people feel more confident in their skin.
I also have several other business’s:
Ann Mawhinney Enterprises (A.M.E) – a health policy, health advocacy consultancy which I established 10 years ago; and
A.M.E Health and Life Mastery – (as owner, consultant) where I help people, business’s, and companies when they are stuck and/or at the crossroads with either their health or life goals.
My career commenced as a registered nurse, where I rose through the ranks to run regional, rural, and remote hospitals and health systems. My swan song lasted 10 years as CEO/ Deputy CEO of a medical specialty industry body with joint management of $8.5 Billion dollar MOU.
In life I am a ‘crusader rabbit’ actively involved in local, regional, state, and federal healthcare and community issues. I chair or have been chair and/ or a member of, over 40 committees and boards. I was very honoured to serve a term as an elected Shire Councillor where I received a community service award in recognition of my leadership.
I have self-published 1 book and have received several awards (much to my amazement and delight) for my art.
I live in the beautiful Bega Valley, NSW, on a 1500-acre farm co–owned with my husband.
My Expertise
I bring relief to people with dry, irritated and sensitive skin , and help them feel more confident, through my natural skincare regime, Maloola Natural Skincare, which calms, soothes, and nurtures their skin and helps it feel loved. I consult via Zoom, email or website discussion.
Expertise gained not only through a Masters Degree, Graduate Certificate in Diabetes Education , Certification in Natural Cosmetic Formulation, but Membership of the Australian Society of Cosmetic Chemists.
and I also
Have a unique value and expertise in helping people, businesses and/ or companies, when they are stuck, at a crossroads, or have road blocks in their health and/or life – career , business or company . Expertise gained not only through my higher degrees (as above) but certification in courses such as a Master Life Coaching , Enterprise Architecture, NLP, Neurosematics Coaching. Plus many, many years helping people ranging from CEOs to single mothers and life experience as the ‘mother hen’ , confidant and ‘go to person’ in the community and workplace.
My Passions
I am passionate about equality, equity and the rights of women and believe we need more women in politics and on boards .
I am passionate about philanthropy and the need to give back and proud that MNS is committed to the 1% Pledge.
My Interests
I am an eternal student of life and love to read, research and study . I am an artist and am actively involved in local arts groups.
How I Can Help Other Members
I would be delighted to be able to help ( chat with) anyone who has a skincare concern or problem they cannot solve .
Happy to help members with issues that may be impacting on their health or their ability to get through life .
As a pedant and ‘pain the neck ‘ regarding good governance, sound process, policies and procedures, audit and risk (with many years experience in these areas) I am more than happy to help anyone having problems in any of those areas.
I am also a very good listener.
Why I Became a HerBusiness Member
I was very impressed by your April summit and recognised my own need to grow, not only as a person but in my own business’s. I also recognised that I was a true introvert and needed to network and connect with like minded women . I value other women’s expertise.
My Member to Member Offer(s)
MNS would be delighted to offer members a free consultation to discuss your skincare problems and/ or needs and free samples of any of our product range. We also offer 15% discount on all products purchased . Freecall Ann on 1300 625 665 . If ordering via my website ( www.maloolanaturalskincare.com.au ) for a 15% discount enter the code HeR at shopping cart.
AME Health and Health Life Mastery (consultant and life master coach) would be delighted to offer the first consultation (1hr ) free . Call Ann on 0436 438 050.