About Me - My Biography

Hi I’m Ali Fowler. I’m a soon to be published author on things projects and a business and personal project coach. I guess that makes me a ‘projectpreneur’.

I believe…”your purpose + the right project can change lives”.

I’m the founder of World Projects – Projects We Like, Now Soon Later ™, Project School and co-founder of TheFirstYearCoach.com.

World Projects is a personal growth company to help people with their business and personal projects so they can go and play their bigger game. Visit http://bit.ly/alifowler.

I Was Doing This…

My career began over 20 years ago teaching swimming to people with disabilities and moved along into the world of sport management and live entertainment producing events both internationally and at home in Australia and rounded off my personal career with a 10 year stint in executive retail management heading up business improvement for a multi-billion dollar company in Australia.

All the way along, the single common thread that followed me was ‘projects.  They were my thing and I was good at them. Projects are in my DNA – projects are what I was born to do!

At the end of 2014, I’d hit ‘project fatigue’ and personal exhaustion and honestly I just wanted to run as far away as I could from the next project. I was done and desperation had started to creep in because I had no idea what would be my next move and where my life was going

Now I Am Doing This

Fast forward to today and the view from here is amazing. Cue smile :)

I am here to make your projects simple and do-able, to save you time, so you can go and play your bigger game.

I provide 1:1 coaching and group training for businesses and individuals who have a project to deliver that will make a real difference. This is my purpose and what I was born to do.

You can read more about my story ..spoiler alert…in my ebook ‘What To Do When You Are Told Your Job No Longer Exists’ to be released December 2016.

Also my first two books in the Project School series (Purpose Project. Bigger Game & Now Soon Later) are scheduled for release in February 2017 via Balbao Press (a division of Hay House).

If you have a project to deliver, would love to hear from you where-ever you are in the world.

In the meantime, good luck with your projects!






My Expertise

I’m a coach with 20 + years experience in making projects happen. I see life as an open road and one that can take you wherever you want to go, just need to have the courage to take the next step and then the next step and then the next step… and so on.

And you know how we so often get stuck with so many ideas and thoughts? Well what I do is to help people get their stuff out of their head and break the confusion, so they know exactly what they have to do next. Some of the ‘stuff that keeps people stuck’ could be many projects to manage at work, dealing with the demands of starting a new business, trying to work out what retirement might look like or needing to make a big life decision. We have all been there at some time.

I really enjoy what I do because the people I work with feel so much better, calmer and more confident, when they are clear on what they want, when they want it and how they will do it.

I have created Project School for people who have business and personal projects they want to get done.

I have taken all that over complicated and sometimes boring parts of project management and given it a fresh new edge, so that its simple and do-able. I call my fresh project management approach – Now Soon Later.

Projects are a great strategy for getting things done and ultimately, we all have them, so we may as well get really good at them both in our personal lives and our business lives. And for some of us running our passion based businesses, that’s the same thing!



My Passions

This is my passion – doing everything I can, with what I have, where I am.

Theodore Roosevelt gave me this quote … well not personally :)  but it was meant for me I reckon!

The 3 things that I really care about in the business world are:

  1. Collaboration, not competition.
  2. Listening first.
  3. Avoiding wasting time, energy and resources on stuff (projects) that go nowhere. Either we start and never finish them or we should never have started them in the first place – it was the wrong project…just saying.


My Interests

Helping people take their idea or a thought and make it into a reality.

I’m a dreamer and an implementer, so I get to play on both sides!

And I love the ideas and thoughts the most that give back to humanity. If we are going to do something, we may as well make it something that counts and makes a difference.

Oh and I love rose gardens. I have 101 rose trees and its one of my favourite ways to spend my free time.

How I Can Help Other Members

I can help Her Business members with discovering, designing, deciding and doing the projects that are going to make a difference and get themselves and their business to the next level.

I can teach you how to projectise your business to your advantage.

I have taken all the boring and over complicated parts of project management and simplified it and given it a fresh new edge. I call my project approach – Now Soon Later.

At my Project School, I am developing content based on what my customers are asking about. So if you have a specific need or question around projects, let me know at alison@alisonfowlercoach.com. I’d love to help.

Why I Became a HerBusiness Member

The main reason I became a HerBusiness member was to find, attract and build strong business partnerships and networks, because if there’s one thing I know from day one in my humble start up business, I was definitely not alone. There’s 1000’s of us ‘doing our thing  out in the wild’ in solo land. And I wanted to be part of a community of women who understand.

Since the first Her Business RoundTable I attended, I developed some new and amazing friendships that have held me up when I felt wobbly and now we have become a great support crew for each other.

Love HerBusiness.

My Member to Member Offer(s)

HER BUSINESS MEMBERS – FREE 60 minute project strategy session with me on one of your projects.

So BYO project and let’s talk.

All sessions are conducted via Zoom (audio or video) and you do not need a Zoom account.

To book your session, email alison@alisonfowlercoach.com or grab a spot in my diary  by clicking here http://bit.ly/chatwithali


Also I run Planning Days for People Who Hate Planning. The next one is on at The Village at NAB on 29 November 2016. For details, click here http://bit.ly/planningday291116.